Job Hun­ting and Networ­king on Lin­ke­dIn x 3

Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu in col­la­bo­ra­tion with Opti­mum ‑pro­ject offers three English spea­king Lin­ke­dIn trai­ning modu­les for tho­se who alrea­dy use Lin­ke­dIn and need trai­ning to dee­pen their know­led­ge.

The trai­ner is “Lin­ke­dIn Guru” Tom Lai­ne. His exper­ti­se spans all the way from 2004, when he got his first Lin­ke­dIn invi­ta­tion! Since then, Tom has used Lin­ke­dIn for just about anyt­hing and eve­ryt­hing. Even sel­ling a com­pa­ny via a Lin­ke­dIn mee­ting request! He has held over 1500 trai­nings around the glo­be.

You can regis­ter for all the modu­les (free of char­ge) or select the most inte­res­ting ones. Plea­se regis­ter for each trai­ning via the links below.

  1. Buil­ding a con­vincing Lin­ke­dIn pro­fi­le step-by-step
  2. Networ­king and con­tac­ting poten­tial emplo­yers on Lin­ke­dIn
  3. Using Lin­ke­dIn for job searc­hing
Linkedin training

Buil­ding a con­vincing Lin­ke­dIn pro­fi­le step by step

Time: 14.3.2024, 12:00–16:00
Place: Busi­ness­A­se­ma, Hal­li­tus­ka­tu 36 B, Tele­sa­li ‑mee­ting room
Tar­get group: Inter­na­tio­nal job see­kers who alrea­dy have a Lin­ke­dIn pro­fi­le


Networ­king and con­tac­ting poten­tial emplo­yers on Lin­ke­dIn

Time: 19.3.2024, 12:00–16:00
Place: Busi­ness­A­se­ma, Hal­li­tus­ka­tu 36 B, Tele­sa­li ‑mee­ting room
Tar­get group: Inter­na­tio­nal job see­kers who alrea­dy have a Lin­ke­dIn pro­fi­le


Using Lin­ke­dIn for job searc­hing

Time: 28.3.2024, 12:00–16:00
Place: Busi­ness­A­se­ma, Hal­li­tus­ka­tu 36 B, Tele­sa­li ‑mee­ting room
Tar­get group: Inter­na­tio­nal job see­kers who alrea­dy have a Lin­ke­dIn pro­fi­le
