Disco­ver Oulu: Your Gateway to Busi­ness, Cul­tu­re, and Lifes­ty­le

For talents, tra­ve­lers, or busi­nes­ses see­king oppor­tu­ni­ties, we con­nect you to the city’s vibrant offe­rings. Let Oulu igni­te your ima­gi­na­tion!

Oulu – a hig­her gra­de of living

Right now in Oulu

Brea­king news! Anot­her won­der­ful example of Oulu’s visi­bi­li­ty in inter­na­tio­nal media due to our win­ter cycling cul­tu­re and cycling infra­struc­tu­re.

Read more on BBC

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The Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu is rec­rui­ting 98 doc­to­ral researc­hers as part of the new doc­to­ral educa­tion pilot fun­ded by the Fin­nish Mini­stry of Educa­tion and Cul­tu­re.

Read more on the Uni­ver­si­ty’s web­si­te

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Ger­man air­li­ne Luft­han­sa is set to con­ti­nue its direct flights between Munich and Oulu for the upco­ming sum­mer sea­son. Addi­tio­nal­ly, win­ter flights will extend into the next win­ter, establis­hing this his­to­ric rou­te as a year-round con­nec­tion.

Read more on Oulu.com

A Ger­man educa­tio­nal tra­vel group visi­ted Oulu. The col­la­bo­ra­tion with the city of Oulu pro­vi­ded the group of teac­hers with the oppor­tu­ni­ty to fami­lia­rize them­sel­ves with the Fin­nish school sys­tem.

Read more on My Oulu

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Wor­king in the Fin­nish city of Oulu lets you build a life that looks like you. Befo­re, during and after work.

Choo­se your own path

Stu­dents are very inte­res­ted in Oulu’s gene­ral deve­lop­ment and want Oulu to con­ti­nue deve­lo­ping. The city of Oulu col­lec­ted stu­dents’ views on deve­lo­ping a bet­ter city.

Read more on My Oulu

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Oulu is growing and evol­ving with you

Find a solu­tion to all your needs in Oulu

At Busi­ness­A­se­ma, work and talent meet in an envi­ron­ment that pro­vi­des han­dy options for deve­lo­ping per­so­nal exper­ti­se as well as busi­ness ope­ra­tions.

Learn more about Busi­ness­A­se­ma

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The Poh­jo­la Rou­te is a circu­lar road sys­tem that offers a ran­ge of expe­riences for moto­rists, fami­lies, natu­re ent­husiasts as well as tra­vel­lers who pre­fer public trans­port options. Along the Poh­jo­la Rou­te, any­one can select the iti­ne­ra­ry and natu­re att­rac­tions of their choice – tra­vel­ling the full length of the rou­te or just parts of it.

Have a clo­ser look at the Poh­jo­la Rou­te

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Or are you still searc­hing for your path to emplo­y­ment? Business­Oulu can help you! Check out the ser­vices for ent­repre­neurs, orga­ni­sa­tions and talent!

Read more about Business­Oulu

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